Business legal purpose: Construction and operation of Renewable Energy Source (RES), electricity trading.
The company has a registered capital of BGN 300.
UIC: 201588277
Ownership: Associates in the company are KID 2225 Ltd with 50% share and KIK Engineering Ltd with 50% share.
Manager: Kalin Ivanov Kotsev and Vanya Georgieva Manikateva
KIK Energy 1 Ltd.
KIK Energy 1 Ltd. is the owner and operator of twelve operating photovoltaic power plants FTPP “Izgrev”, FTPP “Zemlen 1”, FTPP “Zemlen 2”, FTPP “Zvezdets”, FTPP “Krushevo 1”, FTPP “Krushevo 2”, FTPP “Krushevo 3” , FTPP “Krushevo 4”, FTPP “Krushevo 5” , FTPP “Krushevo 6” , FTPP “Krushevo 7” , FTPP “Krushevo 8” , FTPP “Krushevo 9” , and FTPP “Lozarevo”. The total installed capacity of the power plants is 1084,8 kWp, and the average annual production is over 1370,76 MWh.
SPP "Izgrev"
“Izgrev” SPP has an installed capacity of 408,48 kWp. It is located on the land of the village of Izgrev, Elhovo municipality, Yambol district. The plant is oriented south-southwest and is built in stages.
The installed power for Stage 1 is 237.60 kWp. The main equipment is 528 single-crystal photovoltaic panels with a power of 450 Wp, model JKM450M-7RL3 manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information see here). 6 three-phase inverters with power of 40 kW, model SUN2000-40KTL-M3, manufactured by Huawei, China are installed. (For more information see here).
The installed power for Stage 2 is 162 kWp. The main facilities are 360 single-crystal photovoltaic panels with a power of 450 Wp, model JKM450M-7RL3 manufactured by Jinko Solar, China. Installed are 4 three-phase inverters with power of 40 kW, model SUN2000-40KTL-M3, manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information see here).
The photovoltaic panels are mounted on a pre-assembled mounting structure with a slope of the panels 30° oriented to the south of hot-dip galvanized metal profiles.
The power plant has building permission №72 since 02.11.2021. from Elhovo municipality.
The permission for usage was issued in 28.03.2022.
The annual production for 2023 is 554,545 MWh.
Izgrev, Elhovo municipality, Yambol region, Regulated land I-048
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
6000 sq.m
Installed capacity:
408,48 kWp
Permission for usage issued: 28.03.2022
Zemlen, Radnevo municipality, Stara Zagora region, UPI XVIII-424, quarter 29
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
740 sq.m
Installed capacity:
44,28 kWp
Permission for usage was issued: 29.03.2018
SPP "Zemlen 1"
Solar power plant “Zemlen 1”, has an installed capacity of 44,28 kWp and has a south-southwest orientation.The average annual production is 52,98 MWh.=
The main facilities are 108 polycrystalline solar panels JKM410M-54HL4-V – 60P with capacity of 410 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here) and a battery LUNA2000 with capacity of 15kWh, manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here).
The connection was made through a power supply board from “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC and is installed on a low-voltage network pole. The supporting construction of the installed solar panels is a metal structure with a two-row arrangement. It has portrait-oriented galvanized metal and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed. The power plant has building permission №56 since 12.12.2017. from Radnevo municipality.
The permission for usage was issued: 29.03.2018.
The annual production for 2023 is 55,06 MWh.
SPP "Zemlen 2"
Solar power plant “Zemlen 2”, has an installed capacity of 36,90 kWp and it has a south-southwest orientation. The average annual electricity production is 48.24 MWh.
The main equipment is 90 polycrystalline solar panels – JKM410M-54HL4-V-60P with capacity 410 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here) and a battery LUNA2000 with capacity 15 kW, manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here).
The connection was made through a power supply board from “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC that was installed on the facade of the power substation TP TKZS (Co-operative farm) in the village of Zemlen. The solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with a two-row arrangement. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles driven into the ground. А video surveillance system is installed. The power plant has building permission № 2 since 31.01.2019. from Radnevo municipality.
The permission for usage was issued on 07.06.2019.
The annual production for 2023 is 49,17 MWh.
Zemlen, Radnevo municipality, Stara Zagora region, Regulated land XVIII-422, District - 31
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
800 sq.m
Installed capacity:
36,90 kWp
Permission for usage was issued: 07.06.2019
Zvezdec, Malko Tarnovo Municipality, Burgas region, Regulated land XIII-297, District - 21
KIK Energy - 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
550 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,00 kWp
Permission for usage was issued: 10.08.2020г.
SPP "Zvezdec"
The photovoltaic power plant “Zvezdets” has an installed capacity of 31,00 kWp and has a south-southwest orientation. The average annual electricity production is 42,93 MWh.
The main facilities are 100 polycrystalline photovoltaic panels TSM-300-60P with a power of 300 Wp each, manufactured by Trunsun Solar, China
(Read More). Installed are 2 three-phase inverters with power 15 kW , manufactured by Fronius IG, Austria (Read More).
The connection is made through a meter board of “Elektrodistribution South” EAD, mounted on a low voltage overhead network pole. The 72 photovoltaic panels are mounted on a metal support structure with a double row arrangement. The structure is made of galvanised metal vertical profiles which are driven into the ground. The remaining 28 panels, which are placed on a roof with a layout of 4 rows of 7 panels, are also portrait oriented. The site has a CCTV system installed. The plant has a building permit No. ZV25 dated 17.06.2020 from the Municipality of Malko Tarnovo.
It was commissioned on 10.08.2020.
The annual production for 2023 is 42,48 MWh.
SPP "Krushevo 1"
Krushevo 1 photovoltaic power plant has an installed capacity of 31.28 kWp and is oriented south. The average annual electricity production is 47.63 MWh. The main equipment is 68 photovoltaic panels model JKM460N-7RL3-V with a power of 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (Read More). The inverter is three-phase model SUN2000-30KTL-M3 with power 30 kW, manufactured by Huawei, China (Read More).
The photovoltaic panels are mounted on a metal support structure with south orientation. They are arranged in two rows of 34 modules connected in series. The structure is made of galvanized metal vertical profiles. It is constructed of a longitudinal support profile for mounting the panels and diagonals. The site has a CCTV system installed.
The plant has a building permit No. 36 dated 09.04.2021 from Parvomay Municipality and a final contract for connection to the electricity distribution network of “Elektrodistribution South” EAD – No. 443978 dated 20.05.2021. There is an application for completed site – No. 9340375 dated 17.06.2021. There has been prepared a finding protocol from “EVN Bulgaria” – No. 443975/05.07.2021 for establishing the suitability for use of the constructed object for production of energy from renewable sources from the Law on Spatial Planning.
The plant was commissioned on 05.07.2021.
The annual production for 2023 is 47,03 MWh.
Krushevo, Parvomai Municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land VIII-391, District - 34
KIK Energy - 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
1010 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage was issued: 05.07.2021г.
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land I-324, sq.30
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
481 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 05.07.2021
SPP "Krushevo 2"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 2” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation. The averahe annual production is 45,56 MWh.
The main equipment is 90 polycrystalline solar panels JKM410M-54HL4-V with capacity 410 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here).
The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure type wing with with south orientation in a two-row arrangement. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has building permission №60 since 18.05.2021. from Parvomay municipality and has a ending contract to join the electricity distribution network of the “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4452044 since 08.06.2021. Owns an application for a finished construction – № 9340409 since 17.06.2021. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4452044/05.07.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 05.07.2021.
The annual production for 2023 is 43,32 MWh.
SPP "Krushevo 3"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 3” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation.
The average annual production is 48,98 MWh.
The main equipment 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a two-row arrangement connected. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has building permission №79 since 11.06.2021. from Parvomay municipality and has an ending contract to join the electricity distribution network of the “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4452044 since 12.03.2021. Owns an application for a finished construction – № 9356044 since 28.06.2021. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4461134/05.07.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 05.07.2021
The annual production for 2023 is 43,45 MWh.
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land VII-104, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
1 280 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued: 05.07.2021
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land XI-73, sq.31
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
760 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 05.07.2021
SPP "Krushevo 4"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 4” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation.The average annual production is 45,08 MWh.
The main equipment is 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has building permission №78 since 11.06.2021. from Parvomay municipality and has an ending contract to join the electricity distribution network of the “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4457784 since 28.06.2021. Owns an application for a finished construction – № 9356418 since 28.06.2021. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4457784/05.07.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 05.07.2021
The annual production for 2023 is 47,02 MWh.
SPP "Krushevo 5"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 5” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation.The average annual production is 46,81 MWh.
The main equipment is 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has a contract to join the electricity distribution network of “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4460922 since 31.05.2021. Owns an application for a finished construction – №110 since 04.08.2021 from Parvomay municipality. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4470796/17.09.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 15.09.2021
The annual production for 2023 is 46,33 MWh.
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land XII-73, sq.31
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
475 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 15.09.2021
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land VI-104, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
850 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 15.09.2021
SPP "Krushevo 6"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 6” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation. The average annual production is 46,68 MWh.
The main equipment is 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has a contract to join the electricity distribution network of “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4458966 since 31.05.2021. Owns an application for a finished construction – № 9406801/ 23.07.2021. The power plant has building permission №109 since 04.08.2021 for the Municipality of Parvomay. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4470794/17.09.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 15.09.2021
The annual production of electrical energy for 2023 is 44,80 MWh.
SPP "Krushevo 7"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 7” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation.The average annual production is 46,33 MWh.
The main equipment is 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has a contract to join the electricity distribution network of “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4473403 since 19.11.2021. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4473548/23.12.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 23.12.2021.
The annual production of electrical energy for 2023 is 45,63 MWh.
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land I-176, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
730 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 23.12.2021
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land IV-173, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
625 sq.m
Installed capacity:
31,28 kWp
Permission for usage issued on 23.12.2021
SPP "Krushevo 8"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 8” has an installed capacity 31,28 kWp and it has south orientation. The average annual electricity production is 47.33 MWh. The main equipment is 68 polycrystalline solar panels JKM440M with capacity 460 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here). Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The power plant has a contract to join the electricity distribution network of “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC № 4473549 since 19.11.2021. A statement of findings has been prepared by “EVN Bulgaria” – № 4473549/23.12.2021 to establish the suitability for use of a built site for the production of energy from renewable sources by The Spatial Development Act.
The permission for usage was issued on 23.12.2021
The annual production of electrical energy for 2023 is 45,88 MWh.
SPP "Krushevo 9"
Solar power plant “Krushevo 9” has an installed capacity 241,98 kWp and it has east-west orientation.
The main equipment is 444 poly-crystalline solar panels JKM545M-7RL3-V with capacity 545 Wp, manufactured by Jinko Solar, China (For more information click here).
There are 8 installed inverters- 3 inverters SUN2000-10KTL-M5 with capacity 50 kW and 5 SUN2000-10KTL-M5 with capacity 10 kW. All are manufactured by Huawei, China. Eight LUNA2000 batteries with a capacity of 15 kWh, manufactured by Huawei, China, are also installed (For more information, see here).
The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
Permission for usage issued on 15.06.2023
The annual production of electrical energy for 2023 is 121,295 MWh.
Krushevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land I-176, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
730 sq.m
Installed capacity:
241,98 kWp
Permission for usage on 15.06.2023
Lozarevo, Parvomay municipality, Plovdiv region, Regulated land IV-173, sq.5
KIK Energy 1 Ltd
Designer and contractor:
KIK Engineering Ltd
848 sq.m
Installed capacity:
71,92 kWp
Permission for usage issued: 21.02.2024
SPP "Lozarevo"
Solar power plant Lozarevo has an installed capacity 71,92 kWp and it has south orientation. The main equipment is 124 polycrystalline solar panels JKM545M-7RL3-V with capacity 580 Wp, manufactured by BlueSun, China (For more information click here). The installed inverters are 2 three-phase SUN2000-30KTL-M3, manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here).
Installed is a 30 kW three-phase inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 manufactured by Huawei, China (For more information click here). The polycrystalline solar panels are mounted on a supporting metal structure with with south orientation in a one row. The supporting structure is made of vertical, galvanized, metal profiles and and vertical profiles driven into the ground. The structure has a diagonal and a longitudinal profile for the installation of the panels. А video surveillance system is installed.
The permission for usage was issued on 21.02.2024
The expected annual production of electrical energy is 96,25 MWh.
Call us
+359 2 906 2896
1407 Sofia, 7 Vincent Van Gogh St., 3rd floor, office 5
Звездец, община Малко Търново, област Бургас, УПИ XIII-297, кв.21
„ КИК Енерджи - 1 “ ООД
Проектант и изпълнител:
„ КИК Инжинеринг ” ЕООД
550 кв.м.
Инсталирана мощност:
31,00 kWp
Въведена в експлоатация на 10.08.2020г.
ФтЕЦ „ Звездец "
Фотоволтаична електроцентрала „ Звездец ” е с инсталирана мощност 31,00 kWp и е с ориентация юг-югозапад. Средногодишното производство на електрическа енергия е 42,93 MWh.
Основните съоръжения са 100 броя поликристални фотоволтаични панели TSМ-300-60P с мощност по 300 Wp, производство на Trunsun Solar, Китай (За повече информация виж тук). Инсталирани са 2 трифазни инвертора с мощност 15 kW , производство на Fronius IG, Австрия (За повече информация виж тук). Присъединяването е осъществено чрез електромерно табло на „ Електроразпределение юг “ ЕАД, монтирано на стълб от въздушна мрежа ниско напрежение. Върху метална носеща конструкция са монтирани 72 фотоволтаичните панели с двуредово разположение. Конструкцията е изградена от поцинковани метални, вертикални профили, които са забити в земята. Останалите 28 панела, които са поставени върху покрив с разположение 4 реда по 7 панела, също са портретно ориентирани. Обектът е с монтирана система за видеонаблюдение. Централата притежава разрешение за строеж № ЗВ25 от 17.06.2020 г от Община Малко Търново.
Въведена е в експлоатация през август 2020 г.