Business legal purpose: Construction and operation of Renewable Energy Source (RES), electricity trading.
The company has a registered capital of BGN 500 000.
UIC: 200676742
Ownership: Associates in the company are KID 2225 Ltd with 70% share and Zhelyazko Ivanov Georgiev with 30% share.
Manager: Zhelyazko Ivanov Georgiev and Vanya Georgieva Manikateva
SPP "Kubadin"
“Sunray Energy” Ltd is the owner and operator of solar power plant Kubadin with an installed capacity of 356,06 kWp. It is located near the vicinity of the village of Kubadin in the municipality of Sredets in Burgas region. The power plant has a south-southwest orientation and it was built in stages.
The installed capacity for Stage 1 is 147 kWp. The main facilities are 792 monocrystalline solar panels with capacity of 185 Wp, manufactured by Sunsystem, China. Installed are 12 three-phase inverters with capacity of 12 kW, manufactured by Fronius IG, Austria (For more information click here). Installed is a CCTS with capacity of 400 kVA.
The installed capacity for Stage 2 is 195 kWp. The main facilities are 1 056 monocrystalline solar panels with an installed capacity of 185 Wp each, manufactured by Sunsystem, China. Installed are 16 three-phase inverters each with capacity of 12 kW, manufactured by Fronius IG, Austria (For more information click here).
The construction supporting the mounted solar panels is a steel string structure driven into the ground. They are manufactured by New Energy Systems, Bulgaria (For more information click here).
There is a control and monitoring system, and IP cameras and IR illuminators.
The annual average production for the period 2012-2023 is 456 MWh.
On December 14th 2010 the company signed a sales contract with “Elektrorazpredelenie Yug” JSC for a period of 25 years at a price of 699.11 BGN/ MWh with allowed maximum external power 350 kWp.
Annual financial statements:
You can see the annual financial statements of “Sunray Energy” Ltd. The accounting documents are a copy and fully corresponding to the original published in the Commercial register.
For 2019 – (For more information click here)
For 2020 – (For more information click here)
For 2021 – (For more information click here)
For 2022 – (For more information click here)
For 2023 – (For more information click here)
Kubadin, Sredets municipality, Burgas region
"Sunray Energy" Ltd
Designer for both stages:
"KIK Engineering" Ltd
Contactor for stage 1:
"Solar Pro" JSC
Contractor for stage 2:
"New Energy Systems" Ltd
6 906 sq.m
Installed capacity:
356,06 kWp
Stage 1 - Permission for the usage № DK - 07-YUIR - 117 issued on 09.12.2010
Stage 2 – Permission for the usage № DK - 07-YUIR - 106 issued on 30.05.2011
Call us
+359 2 906 2896
1407 Sofia, 7 Vincent Van Gogh St., 3rd floor, office 5